Test Done | Results |
Testing PHP Parser | |
Sessions Test | |
Allocated Memory Test | |
mysqli extension test | |
ctype extension test | |
fileinfo extension test | |
json extension test | |
mbstring extension test | |
iconv extension test | |
zlib extension test | |
curl extension test | |
gd extension test | |
simplexml extension test | |
intl extension test | |
ldap extension test | |
apcu extension test | |
Zend OPcache extension test | |
xmlrpc extension test | |
CAS extension test | CAS extension is not present |
exif extension test | |
zip extension test | |
bz2 extension test | |
sodium extension test | |
Testing DB engine version | |
Testing DB timezone data | |
Checking write permissions for log files | |
Checking write permissions for setting files | |
Checking write permissions for document files | |
Checking write permissions for dump files | |
Checking write permissions for session files | |
Checking write permissions for automatic actions files | |
Checking write permissions for graphic files | |
Checking write permissions for lock files | |
Checking write permissions for plugins document files | |
Checking write permissions for temporary files | |
Checking write permissions for cache files | |
Checking write permissions for rss files | |
Checking write permissions for upload files | |
Checking write permissions for pictures files | |
Checking write permissions for marketplace plugins directory | |
Web access to files directory is protected | Web access to the files directory should not be allowed Check the .htaccess file & the web server configuration. |
You are trying to use GLPI with outdated files compared to the version of the database. Please install the correct GLPI files corresponding to the version of your database.